
Friday, August 23, 2024

Regarding my BLOG ~ Please read

PLEASE do NOT change the file names on my tubes.

Please do NOT put any of my images on a blog.


I am no longer putting my images/tubes on this blog but I will keep it open. There are many pages of tubes/images here.

 If you would like to be put on

a list to receive my AI tubes, email me at:

PLEASE put in the subject line:  I would like to JOIN

and I will add or invite you to my Google group.


PLEASE do NOT change the file names on my tubes.

Please do NOT put any of my images on a blog.



  1. you could use mediafire its free ive used it for years with no problems

  2. Also Box is another good one and it's free. I've been using them for years

  3. vous utilisez qu elle cite internet j 'ai changez pour mozzila et j 'ai moins de problème pour heberger mes ia
